Making Decisions

Decisiveness Drives Success | Stop Rethinking and Start Acting by Harry Petsanis

September 13, 20241 min read

Decisiveness is a vital trait in the pursuit of success and personal fulfillment. Once a decision is made, dwelling on it can be counterproductive. It's crucial to move forward without getting entangled in the endless cycle of 'what-ifs' and 'if-onlys'. This means that after careful deliberation and making a choice, it's beneficial to direct your energy towards action and next steps, rather than revisiting the decision-making process.

The act of rehashing decisions can lead to unnecessary doubt and delay. It's about committing to the choices you've made and embracing the path you're on. If the decision leads to an undesired outcome, instead of ruminating, use it as a learning opportunity for future decisions. The key is to keep moving forward, applying the knowledge gained with each step you take. 

Implement this approach by setting a course for action after your decision. Create a plan that outlines the steps you need to take and stick to it. Should you encounter obstacles or if the decision does not yield the results you hoped for, adjust your strategy rather than questioning the decision itself. This forward momentum is what drives progress and personal growth.

—Harry Petsanis











Mindset Coach.

Harry Petsanis

Mindset Coach.

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